Tuesday, February 24, 2009

not finished*

need some inspirational ideas for this, someone help me out.


May-Belle said...

sometimes i open that perfume bottle
just a little
and pretend i can see the scent rising into the air
practice feeling the way it does
as it coils through this transparent space
and when it hits me i see in shades of red
where it has spilt down the currents
twisted in upon itself in a small mushroom cloud
and then scatters leaving nothing
but a faint memory that catches at the corner
of your mind like a name you've forgotten
but sounds like a sigh
in the back of your tongue

sometimes i open that bottle
the one that smells like you
and pretend that its you wrapped around me
in the spray
and i blame my tears on the sting of the alcohol

-evan said...

we are the blind, etcetera/etcetera-
they complained again.
we know not why we live
in cities tall,
when grasses of a shorter stature
would suffice.