Monday, March 23, 2009

hannah, I stole a line of yours. eye for an eye, I always say.


fen said...

(actually I never say that..)

May-Belle said...

build me this
a temporal dwelling
in this swelling bubble
that pushes (nudge nudge SHOVE)
against the sticky black
and we will shape (twist twist SNAP)
the roots of our new home
pin them down like a balloon
and we will thrust with our fragile arms
with our orange souls
against this rubber roof (stretch stretch SHATTER)
building these spindled towers
to support the scooping dome
as we fill it with our dreams (breathe breathe SHOCK)
and then burst free
two roaring dragons against the dark
to pour roaring being against the emptiness
and then to build again (SHOUT STAND SING)
a new home
till all the world is full of this
a swelling emporium of lights