Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the cold | and clumsy | of | tight skin | in | bitter winds | off the | waves and the brine | of the light rail train | shivering bodies on the coastal shelf | muttering softly | and the leaves are chattering also | the sun | she ebbs and flows | gracious days | then abandonment | I think | she belongs to a different city | . | that she smiles on a greener place somewhere else | she smiles with promise for them | and our humble city washes out gray | soaked in weeks of rain | the ground | pervaded | with frozen worms | and on the traintracks | I spy | a lifeless bird | slowly and softly decomposing


Buck Sornprommas said...

This makes me think of the those cutout articles you did on your last trip to Cambodia

is this what the transit is like?

fen said...

yes, and yes.

you got it

May-Belle said...

I think she belongs in a different city.